Get 110 Mixing Tips to Create Awesome Mixes From Your Home Studio

3 Simple Solutions That Make Your Sounds Suck Less

There are three types of recording problems that are most common.  Luckily, they are easy to fix if you know where to look or what to do.

Problem #1 – Bad From the Source

You have to start from the source. If you don’t even like the instrument as it sounds in the room, it’s never going to sound good in your DAW.

A few years back I observed a fellow engineering student record an electric guitar amp. He quickly threw up the mics and started recording without even a second thought to how it sounded.

I politely asked him if that was the sound he wanted.

His response?

“Oh…it doesn’t sound great, but I’ll fix it later. I’m more of a fix it later in the mix type o’ guy.”

What an idiot.

Sure, you can do crazy changes to a track while you mix. But wouldn’t it be easier to spend 2 minutes trying to get a good sound before hitting record?

If you don’t like the source sound, try to change it. Move it around the room, change the settings of the amplifier. Make adjustments to the instrument until it sounds good. Then bring in a microphone.

Problem #2 – Bad In Your DAW

Does your instrument sound great in the room but sucks in your DAW?

It all has to do with your microphone.

  • Mic selection.
  • Mic position.
  • Mic technique.

Just like you move the instrument around in a room to get a better sound, you also move the microphone. The sweet spot of the cone on an amplifier is a good spot to start but it’s not always the sound you’re looking for.

Use the right mic for the job, in the right position, to pick up the right sound you are looking for.

It’s really as simple as that.

Problem #3 – Bad In the Mix

Even if you’ve got a great sounding instrument translating well into your DAW, you still want a little more out of it.

80% of the work has been done, but you just want to sprinkle it with glitter.

Put the cherry on top. Give it some makeup.

That’s when you pull out your processors.

EQ, compression, delay and reverb and saturation.

EQ makes it fit better. Compression makes it sit better.

Delay and reverb add depth and space.

And last but not least, saturation gives it that X-factor. That extra 10% you need to get your mixes sounding more pro.

Problems Solved?

Those are the three solutions to your sucky sounds. Whether your problems are recording or mixing related, that’s how you fix them.

If you’re having problems during the mixing phase, let your sounds suck a little less by reading my Step By Step Mixing book.


Here’s what Michael T. Dickinson, a recent buyer and fan, had to say about Step By Step Mixing:

The realm of audio is a deep and wide pool of knowledge to both absorb and apply. What Bjorgvin brings to the table is the ability to organize the information contained within that pool into a series of actionable steps and procedures to obtain results as your needs require. If you have the time and inclination you can dive deeper into any of the topics he covers in the book but trust me, it’s a bottomless pit. If you want good results to gain experience and build confidence you can’t go wrong with his instruction. I would also recommend his website, other courses, and signing up for his nearly daily e-mails that cover many of the topics in the book in both more detail and different applications.

Isn’t that an awesome compliment!

So if you want those series of actionable steps to obtain easy mix results, head on over and grab your copy of Step By Step Mixing here:


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About Audio Issues and Björgvin Benediktsson

We help musicians transform their recordings into radio-ready and release-worthy records they’re proud to release.

We do this by offering simple and practical music production and success skills they can use immediately to level themselves up – while rejecting negativity and gear-shaming from the industry. A rising tide floats all boats and the ocean is big enough for all of us to surf the sound waves.

Björgvin’s step-by-step mixing process has helped thousands of musicians confidently mix their music from their home studios. If you’d like to join them, check out the best-selling book Step By Step Mixing: How To Create Great Mixes Using Only 5 Plug-ins right here.