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The 5 Best Methods for Recording on Location

This is a guest post by Ashley Coxx. While musicians have access to state-of-the-art recording studios, many travel to record their tunes on location. Challenging perhaps, for producers to get the sound quality they need, the practice of recording on location is a rewarding way to make music. Moreover, there are many possibilities for recording...

Zen and the Art of a Strong Stereo Image

This is a guest post from mastering engineer Barry Gardner who operates SafeandSound online mastering From time to time I hear a mix that has a dubious stereo image.  This can affect both acoustic or electronic mixes. For acoustic mixes it is often the mic technique that creates a problematic stereo image. For electronic mixes,...

Are Musical Genres Important?

This is a guest post by Andrew Reilly. You might have noticed that a musical genre is the first label placed on a band. More often than not, the labeling is a lazy one. Not every band is able to fit neatly into a little box with a bunch of other bands but because of the...

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