Recording Tips

How To Easily Record Pianos, Keys and Synths

With over 7,000 moving parts, pianos are incredibly intricate instruments. They fall somewhere in between a stringed instrument and a percussive instrument. Pianos produce a very complex sound with rich overtones that can be difficult to record. Let’s break down a few simple techniques for dialing in the perfect piano sound—whether you’re on a grand,...

How To Record Electric Guitars The Easy Way

If you want to record electric guitars without feeling like the end result sounds like a muddy mess, then you’ve come to the right place. Nothing ruins a rock song quicker than weak, wimpy guitars. You want massive, powerful, roaring guitars that knock the listener off their feet! Over the years, countless engineers have concocted...

How to Record Vocals in Your Home Studio [VIDEO]

There are five stages to recording a professional-sounding vocal. It’s not all about the microphone or your gear. Or even your acoustic treatment. It’s not even only about your singer. Unfortunately, even a bad singer can be…*gulp*…” fixed.” But there’s no autotune for a poor vocal melody or arrangement. There’s no Auto-Make-My-Songwriting-Better plug-in. Five-Stage Vocal...

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